

1.1 用户应当同意本协议的条款并按照页面上的提示完成全部的注册程序。用户在进行注册程序过程中点击"同意"按钮即表示用户与北京一笔两划科技有限公司达成协议,完全接受本协议项下的全部条款。
1.2 用户注册成功后,用户帐号和密码由用户负责保管;用户应当对以其用户帐号进行的所有活动和事件负法律责任。
1.3 用户可以使用笔神各个功能服务,当用户使用笔神各功能服务时,用户的使用行为视为其对该功能服务的服务条款以及笔神在该功能服务中发出的各类公告的同意。
1.4 ”笔神”服务协议以及各个功能服务条款和公告可由北京一笔两划科技有限公司随时更新,且无需另行通知。您在使用相关服务时,应关注并遵守其所适用的相关条款。


2.1 ”笔神”帐号(即”笔神”用户ID)的所有权归北京一笔两划科技有限公司,用户完成注册申请手续后,获得”笔神”帐号的使用权。用户应提供及时、详尽及准确的个人资料。所有原始键入的资料将引用为注册资料。如果因注册信息不真实而引起的问题,并对问题发生所带来的后果,北京一笔两划科技有限公司不负任何责任。
2.2 用户不应将其帐号、密码转让、出售或出借予他人使用,如果北京一笔两划科技有限公司发现使用者并非帐号注册者本人,”笔神”有权停止继续服务。如用户发现其帐号遭他人非法使用,应立即通知”笔神”。因黑客行为或用户违反本协议规定导致帐号、密码遭他人非法使用的,由用户本人承担因此导致的损失和一切法律责任,北京一笔两划科技有限公司不承担任何责任。
2.3 使用”笔神”提供的服务,即表示您同意”笔神”合法收集和使用有关您及您所使用服务的技术性或诊断性信息。收集到的这些信息将用于改进”笔神”产品的内容和技术,提升”笔神”的服务品质。


3.1 用户在使用”笔神”服务时,必须遵守中华人民共和国相关法律法规的规定,用户应同意将不会利用本服务进行任何违法或不正当的活动,包括但不限于下列行为∶
1) 反对宪法所确定的基本原则的;
2) 危害国家安全,泄露国家秘密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的;
3) 损害国家荣誉和利益的;
4) 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视、破坏民族团结的;
5) 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;
6) 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;
7) 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;
8) 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权利的;
9) 含有虚假、有害、胁迫、侵害他人隐私、骚扰、侵害、中伤、粗俗、猥亵、或其它道德上令人反感的内容;
10) 含有中国法律、法规、规章、条例以及任何具有法律效力之规范所限制或禁止的其它内容的;
1) 未经允许,进入计算机信息网络或者使用计算机信息网络资源的;
2) 未经允许,对计算机信息网络功能进行删除、修改或者增加的;
3) 未经允许,对进入计算机信息网络中存储、处理或者传输的数据和应用程序进行删除、修改或者增加的;
4) 故意制作、传播计算机病毒等破坏性程序的;
5) 其他危害计算机信息网络安全的行为。
3.2 用户违反本协议或相关的服务条款的规定,导致或产生的任何第三方主张的任何索赔、要求或损失,包括合理的律师费,您同意赔偿北京一笔两划科技有限公司与合作公司、关联公司,并使之免受损害。对此,北京一笔两划科技有限公司有权视用户的行为性质,采取包括但不限于删除用户发布信息内容、暂停使用许可、终止服务、限制使用、回收”笔神”帐号、追究法律责任等措施。对恶意注册”笔神”帐号或利用”笔神”帐号进行违法活动、捣乱、骚扰、欺骗、其他用户以及其他违反本协议的行为,”笔神”有权回收其帐号。同时,北京一笔两划科技有限公司会视司法部门的要求,协助调查。
3.3 用户须对自己在使用”笔神”服务过程中的行为承担法律责任。用户承担法律责任的形式包括但不限于:对受到侵害者进行赔偿,以及在北京一笔两划科技有限公司首先承担了因用户行为导致的行政处罚或侵权损害赔偿责任后,用户应给予北京一笔两划科技有限公司等额的赔偿。


4.1 ”笔神”网络服务的具体内容由北京一笔两划科技有限公司根据实际情况提供。
4.2 除非本服务协议另有其它明示规定,”笔神”所推出的新产品、新功能、新服务,均受到本服务协议之规范。
4.3 为使用本服务,您必须能够自行经有法律资格对您提供互联网接入服务的第三方,进入国际互联网,并应自行支付相关服务费用。此外,您必须自行配备及负责与国际联网连线所需之一切必要装备,包括计算机、数据机或其它存取装置。
4.4 ”笔神”将尽合理的努力保护您的信息安全,并为此采取合理的数据传输、存储、转换等预防保护措施。但是,互联网数据传输、存储、转换均可能存在一定未知且不确定的数据安全风险,该等风险将导致包括但不限于数据丢失、泄露、损坏、无法读取或提取等后果。您确认,您已明确知晓并同意接受该等因互联网引发的风险和后果,并已采取恰当的措施(例如数据备份等),以便在该等风险发生时将损失降至最低。
4.5 鉴于网络服务的特殊性,用户同意”笔神”有权不经事先通知,随时变更、中断或终止部分或全部的网络服务(包括收费网络服务)。”笔神”不担保网络服务不会中断,对网络服务的及时性、安全性、准确性也都不作担保。
4.6 6个月未登陆的帐号,”笔神”保留关闭的权利。
4.7 版权
4.8 免责声明
4.9 终止服务


“笔神”产品、技术与所有程序均属于北京一笔两划科技有限公司知识产权,在此并未授权。 “笔神”及相关图形等为北京一笔两划科技有限公司的注册商标。未经北京一笔两划科技有限公司许可,任何人不得擅自(包括但不限于:以非法的方式复制、传播、展示、镜像、上载、下载)使用,否则,北京一笔两划科技有限公司将依法追究法律责任。



任何网站如果不想被笔神收录(即内容不被笔神搜索到),应该及时向笔神反映,或者在其网站页面中根据拒绝蜘蛛协议(Robots Exclusion Protocol)加注拒绝收录的标记,否则,笔神将依照惯例视其为可收录网站。




8.1 本协议的订立、执行和解释及争议的解决均应适用中华人民共和国法律。
8.2 如双方就本协议内容或其执行发生任何争议,双方应尽量友好协商解决;协商不成时,任何一方均可向北京一笔两划科技有限公司所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。
8.3 北京一笔两划科技有限公司未行使或执行本服务协议任何权利或规定,不构成对前述权利或权利之放弃。
8.4 如本协议中的任何条款无论因何种原因完全或部分无效或不具有执行力,本协议的其余条款仍应有效并且有约束力。







  1. 权利人发现网络用户利用网络服务侵害其合法权益;

  2. 笔神的搜索引擎系统以自动检索方式而链接到第三方网站的内容侵犯了上述权利人的合法权益。




  1. 权利人对涉嫌侵权内容拥有商标权、著作权和/或其他依法可以行使权利的权属证明;

  2. 请充分、明确地描述确信被侵犯了权利人合法权益的内容并请提供非法登载该作品的第三方网址。

  3. 请指明涉嫌侵权网页的哪些内容侵犯了第2项中列明的权利人的合法权益。

  4. 请提供权利人具体的联络信息,包括姓名、身份证或护照复印件(对自然人)、单位登记证明复印件(对单位)、通信地址、电话号码、传真和电子邮件。

  5. 请提供涉嫌侵权内容在信息网络上的位置(如指明您举报的含有侵权内容的出处,即:指网页地址或网页内的位置)以便我们与您举报的含有侵权内容的网页的所有权人/管理人联系。

  6. 请在权利通知中加入如下关于通知内容真实性的声明:

7. 请在权利通知中加入以下陈述:“我保证,本通知中所述信息是充分、真实、准确的,我是所投诉内容的合法权利人,或,我已获授权,有权行使第2项中列明内容的权益。”

  1. 请您签署该文件,如果您是依法成立的机构或组织,请您加盖公章。

北京一笔两划科技有限公司 法务部






  1. 请指明被笔神移除的信息或内容及其网址。

  2. 被移除内容的合法性证明,包括但不限于您对已移除的内容拥有著作权或其他合法权益的权属证明或您可以合法使用该作品或该内容的证明。

  3. 请提供具体的联络信息, 包括姓名、身份证或护照复印件(对自然人)、单位登记证明复印件(对单位)、通信地址、电话号码、传真和电子邮件。

  4. 请在反通知中加入如下关于反通知内容真实性的声明:

5. 请在反通知中加入以下陈述:“我保证,本反通知中所述信息是充分、真实、准确的,我是该作品/该内容的合法权利人,或我已获授权或依法可以使用第2项中列明作品/内容。”

  1. 请您签署该文件,如果您是依法成立的机构或组织,请您加盖公章。

北京一笔两划科技有限公司 法务部

Terms & Conditions

Last updated: December 22, 2017

Thank you for reviewing these Terms – we hope you enjoy using Beepen.

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”, “Terms and Conditions”) govern your relationship with Beepen application (the “Service”) operated by One Pen Sci-tech Co., Ltd (“us”, “we”, “our”,or “One Pen”).
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using our Beepen application (the “Service”).
Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service.

I. General principles

1.1 The user shall agree to the provisions set forth herein and complete the full registration procedure in line with the instructions on the pages. Clicking “Agree” in the process of registration shall be deemed that the user has entered into agreement with Beepen and fully accepts all terms and conditions in this agreement.
1.2 Upon his/her successful registration, the user himself/herself shall be responsible for keeping the account and password. The user shall be legally liable for any activities or events undertaken by the user account.
1.3 The user may use all the functions and service of Beepen. The use of such functions and services shall be deemed as consent to the service terms and conditions and notices issued by us for corresponding functions and services.
1.4 One Pen’s service agreement, functions, services, terms and notices are subject to updates from time to time without any prior notice. When using related services, the user should pay attention to and abide by the applicable terms and conditions.
Prior to enjoying any services provided by Beepen, the user should carefully read this service agreement. In case the user does not agree to the service agreement and/or any modifications from time to time, he/she may cancel the services on his/her own initiative. Any use of services of Beepen shall be deemed that the user acknowledges and fully agrees to all terms and conditions in the service agreement, including any modifications made by One Pen from time to time, and becomes one of the users of Beepen.

II. Registration information and privacy protection

2.1 The proprietorship of Beepen account (i.e. Beepen user ID) shall be owned by One Pen. The user shall obtain the use right of Beepen account upon completing the registration procedure. The user should timely provide detailed and accurate personal information. All original entries by the user shall be quoted as the registration information. Beepen shall not be held liable for any problems caused by any untrue registration information and any arising consequences of such problems.
2.2 The user shall not transfer, sell or lend out his/her Beepen account and password to any others. In case One Pen identifies that the user of Beepen account is not the registrant himself/herself, One Pen shall have the right to suspend the services. In case any user discovers that his/her account is illegally used by others, he/she should immediately notify One Pen. In case the account and password are used by others illegally due to hacking or the user’s violation of the agreement, the user himself/herself shall be liable for any resulting loss and legal responsibilities, while One Pen shall not assume any responsibilities.
2.3 Using services provided by One Pen shall be deemed as the user’s consent to One Pen’s legal collection and use of the information about the user and the technical or diagnostic information about the service enjoyed. The collected information shall be used for improving Beepen’s product contents, technologies and service quality.

III. Rules of use

3.1 These Terms, including without limitation its conclusion, validity, construction, performance and settlement of the disputes, shall be governed by the law of the People’s Republic of China, without giving effect to the principles of conflict of law. Any dispute arising from, or in connection with the Contract shall be first settled through friendly negotiation between you and us.
When using Beepen’s services, the user should agree not to use the services for any illegal or improper activities, including but not limited to the following:
(1) Upload, display, post or spread information containing contents which disobey the local forest trading laws and rules, or transmit the information in other modes;
(2) It is not allowed to use the web service system for any illegal purpose;
(3) It is not allowed to use Beepen’s services for any of the following activities:
Without prior permission, having access to the computer information network or using computer information network resources;
Without prior permission, deleting, modifying or increasing the computer information network’s functions;
Without prior permission, deleting, modifying or adding any data and/or applications stored, processed or transmitted by the computer information network;
Purposely creating or spreading computer viruses or any other destructive applications;
Any other activities that may endanger the computer information network’s security.
3.2 The user agrees to indemnify One Pen and its partners and affiliated companies and hold them from loss in case he/she violates this agreement or related service terms and such violation results in or generates any claims, requirements or losses of any third party, including reasonable legal attorney fee. In such case, One Pen shall have the right to, based on the nature of the user’s behavior, take measures, including but not limited to deleting the information published by the user, suspending use permit, terminating services, limiting use of services, taking back the Beepen account or investigating legal responsibilities. One Pen shall have the right to take back the account for malicious registration of Beepen account or using Beepen account for illegal activities, making troubles, harassing or cheating others, or any other activities that may violate this agreement. Meanwhile, One Pen shall give assistance in the investigation upon requests of the judicial department.
3.3 The user should be legally liable for his/her behaviors in using Beepen’s services. The user shall assume the legal responsibilities in the forms including but not limited to: compensating the victim, and giving equal compensation to One Pen in case the company first assumes the responsibilities of administrative penalty or infringement compensation arising out of the user’s violation.

IV. Service contents

4.1 The specific contents of Beepen web services shall be provided by One Pen based on the actual situation.
4.2 Except otherwise expressly stipulated herein, One Pen’s new products, new functions and new services shall be governed by this agreement.
4.3 In order to use the services, the user should have access to the Internet through any third party that is legally qualified to provide the Internet access service and enjoy related services at his/her own cost. In addition, the user should equip himself/herself with and be responsible for all equipment necessary for having access to Internet, including computers, modems or any other access devices.
4.4 One Pen shall make all reasonable efforts to protect your information security, and take reasonable preventative and protective measures for data transmission, storage and conversion. However, there may be some unknown and uncertain data security risks in Internet data transmission, storage and conversion. Such risks may lead to, including but not limited to, data loss, data disclosure, data damage, data unreadable or unable to extract. The user confirms that he/she has expressly acknowledged and agreed to accept such Internet-related risks and consequences and has taken appropriate measures (such as data backup) in order to minimize the loss in case of such risks.
One Pen should not be responsible for any damages that may endanger the user’s data security due to failure of Internet technology or other events that are not subjective intent or gross negligence of Beepen. In case Beepen’s gross negligence endangers your data security, its compensation liability shall not exceed the service fees collected from the user.
4.5 Given the particularity of web services, the user shall agree that One Pen has the right to alter, suspend or terminate part or all web services (including the paid web services) at any time without prior notice. One Pen neither guarantees no suspension of its web service, nor the timeliness, security or accuracy of the web service.
4.6 One Pen shall keep the right to close the account that has not been logged on for six months.
4.7 Copyrihgt
Beepen’s industrial design, computer codes and patents, among others, belong to One Pen Sci-tech Co.,Ltd. Without prior written permission, the user is not allowed to reproduce, copy or use any part of the codes or industrial design.
4.8 Disclaimer
The user is encouraged to make full use of Beepen to freely publish and share his/her information. The user shall be free to publish texts, pictures and so on. But in case that any user publishes any contents that may infringe on other’s intellectual property right or other legal rights and interests, One Pen shall have the right to delete such contents and reserve the right to deliver such case to the juridical department.
The user enjoys the copyright and other related rights of legal contents he/she created and published on Beepen. As the Internet is an open platform, the texts and materials uploaded by the user to the Internet may be copied, reprinted, tampered or used without authorization for illegal purposes by other organizations or individuals. The user should be fully aware of the existence of such risks. The user explicitly agrees that risks arising out of using Beepen’s services shall be fully at the user’ own risk, and the user shall be liable for any consequence of using Beepen’s services while Beepen shall be exempted from any responsibilities for the user.
4.9 Service termination
In case of web service suspension or adjustment of services and functions due to system maintenance or upgrade, Beepen should place a public notice on the website in advance as far as possible.
One Pen shall have the right to unilaterally suspend or terminate services without prior notice in case of any of the following circumstances:
The user provides untrue personal information;
The user violates rules of use set forth in this agreement;
Using Beepen for commercial purposes without prior consent of Beepen.

V. Intellectual property right and other legal rights and interests (including but not limited to the right of reputation, goodwill right)

Beepen’s products, technologies and applications are all intellectual properties belonging to One Pen and not licensed herein. “Beepen” and related graphics are registered trademarks of One Pen. Without permission of One Pen, no one is allowed to use such properties (including but not limited to: illegally copy, spread, display, mirror, upload, download), otherwise One Pen will investigate legal responsibilities of violators in accordance with the law.

VI. Miscellaneous

6.1 The conclusion, implementation and interpretation of the agreement and settlement of disputes shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.
6.2 Any dispute arising out of or related to the agreement contents or the implementation shall be settled through amicable consultations of both parties. In case of consultation failure, either party may bring a lawsuit to the People’s Court that has the jurisdiction over Beepen.
6.3 Beepen’s failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision under this service agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right.
6.4 If any provision in this agreement is for any reason wholly or partially void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding.

Notice to Right Holders

As the Chinese language search engine, 笔神 provides Chinese language search services over the Internet. According to search instructions from Internet users, 笔神’s search engine system will automatically generate links to web pages of third parties through our algorithmic technology. This will enable Internet users to find and use content (such as files and materials) on web pages of third parties. 笔神 does not store, control, edit or modify the content or the form of presentation of any information (including, without limitation, the information presented in the form of texts, pictures or music) posted, stored, edited, or displayed on web pages of third parties.

It is 笔神’s policy to attach great importance to the protection of copyright and comply with all the applicable PRC laws, regulations and binding measures pertaining to copyright. 笔神 advocates copyrighted works and fights against piracy. Pursuant to the applicable PRC laws, regulations or binding measures, 笔神 has formulated procedures and measures necessary to protect the legitimate interests of right holders. If a right holder finds infringing content on third parties’ web pages linked by 笔神’s search service, he/she must file first a notice of infringement with 笔神. 笔神 will remove relevant links in accordance with the applicable PRC laws, regulations and binding measures.

Procedure and measures are as follows:

Infringement Notification
If (i) the right holder finds that the web users infringed his legitimate rights and interests through internet and (ii) such right is infringed by content posted on third parties’ website connected with links automatically generated by 笔神’s search engine system, such individual or entity may file a notice of infringement with 笔神.

To file a notice of infringement with us, you must provide a written communication.

Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) if you make any misrepresentation in the Infringement Notice. If you are not sure whether material available online infringes any of your legitimate right, we suggest that you first contact a relevant professional.

To expedite our ability to process your request, please use the following format (including section numbers):

  1. Provide materials evidencing that you have right of trade mark, copyright or other legitimate right you are authorized to exercise of the allegedly infringing content;

  2. Identify in sufficient detail and clearly the content of which the protected legitimate right that you believe have been infringed and the websites that contain the infringing content.

  3. Identify the material that you claim is infringing the legitimated right listed in Item 2 above.

  4. Provide detailed contact information of the Rights Holder, including name, a copy of the identity card or the passport (if an individual), a copy of the entity registration certificate (if an entity), address, telephone number, fax and email address.

  5. Provide location of infringing content on the Internet (for example, the source of allegedly infringing content, i.e. the website or location in the webpage) to permit us to notify the owner/administrator of the web page that allegedly contains infringing content ).

  6. Include the following statements in the Infringement Notice:

"I am the right holder or am authorized to exercise the right;
My legitimate right are infringed by content on the allegedly infringing web pages; and
I confirm that if the statements in the Infringement Notice are not true, I will be legally liable for such misrepresentation."
7. Include the following statement in the Infringement Notice: “I represent that the information in this Infringement Notice is sufficient, true and accurate and that I am the right holder or am authorized to exercise the legitimate right specified in item 2 of this Infringement Notice.”

  1. Sign the paper. If you are an entity or an organization established in accordance with laws, please chop your official stamp on the paper.

Send above mentioned materials and contact information in writing to the following address:
No.68,Zhichun Road, Shangdi, Haidian District, Beijing 100080
Attn: Legal Department

In order to shorten the processing time, of you notice please send paper version of the right to inform relevant material attached with electronic involving infringement URL CD or USB stick.

Counter Notification
If 笔神 removes relevant content or links at issue according to an Infringement Notice, the provider of removed content or the owner/administrator of an affected site may file a counter notification with 笔神. When we receive a counter notification, we may reinstate the content or links in question and we disclaim any liabilities arising from such reinstatement…

To file a counter notification with us, you must provide a written communication (by fax or regular mail – not by email, except by prior agreement. Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) if you make any misrepresentation in the Counter Notice. Accordingly, if you are not sure whether certain content infringes the rights of others, we suggest that you first contact a relevant professional.

To expedite our ability to process your counter notification, please use the following format (including section numbers):

  1. Identify the information, content or the websites that 笔神 has removed.

  2. Provide materials evidencing that legitimacy of removed content, including, without limitation, materials evidencing that you have right or are authorized to exercise right of the removed content.

  3. Provide detailed contact information, including name, a copy of the identity card or the passport (if an individual), a copy of the entity registration certificate (if an entity), address, telephone number, fax and email address.

  4. Include the following statements in the Counter Notice:

"I am the right holder or am authorized to exercise the legitimate right;
I have rights to or I have been authorized to provide or post the information or content which has been removed; and
I confirm that if the statements in the Counter Notice are not true, I will be legally liable for such misrepresentation."
5. Include the following statement in the Infringement Notice: “I represent that the information in this Counter Notice is sufficient, true and accurate and that I am the right holder or am authorized to exercise the legitimate right specified in item 2 of this Counter Notice.”

  1. Sign the paper. If you are an entity or an organization established in accordance with law, please chop your official stamp on the paper.

Send above mentioned materials and contact information in writing to the following address:
No.68,Zhichun Road, Shangdi, Haidian District, Beijing 100080
Attn: Legal Department

In order to shorten the processing time, of you notice please send paper version of the right to inform relevant material attached with electronic involving infringement URL CD or USB stick.